Sunday 1 January 2012

3. 4 Analysis on the Beams

... The analysis should be done two levels of seeking balance and reaction force analysis.

i) The reaction equilibrium
... It was made
​​using the three basic equations:


3. 3 A Reference Check

i) The forces in the material (shear force + ve and bending moment + ve)

ii)  the external forces of (force + ve)

   iii) the external forces of (moments + ve)

iv) the external forces of (uniformly distributed load)

When made ​​sections at a distance x meters, it will yield shear force, V and bending moment, M in the material due to a uniformly distributed load. Uniformly distributed load can be replaced by an equivalent system, by which the value of qs sectional surface area (wx) and acting at a distance x / 2.

v) the external forces of (non-uniform distributed load)

Equivalent system for non-uniform distributed load (eg triangle), qs is the same as the surface area of ​​a section of ½ (qo) x. However, note that qo is equal to W / L (x). Therefore, qs can be replaced by a new equation ½ (W / L) x2 acting at a distance x / 3 of the section.